Cultural values that exist in our wider lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and gender non-conforming community also keep appearing in what we call queer organizations. Here Kaytee Ray-Riek and Matthew Armstead offer seven queer cultural values that show up in community, and translate these values into lessons for organizations, so you can build up your organization’s queer spunk and amplify a signal that queer folks are welcome.
Redefining Masculinity in the #MeToo era
In Fall 2018, I facilitated a month-long program with masculine-identified people (cis-men, trans-men, and non-binary people) that culminated with a public sharing. WHYY published a story which aired on NPR’s Morning Edition. Listen to the full story.
Community members speak out about Gayborhood racism
In 2016, people in Philadelphia's Gayborhood were confronting racism within the the community. I was asked to facilitate a public forum during a particularly heated moment in the community. Read the full article in the Philadelphia Gay News.