When you’re hopping from project to project, remember that rest time is essential to integration. You don’t need to push ourselves to the edge all the time. Being on your edge supports growth, and we all need time to rest and connect the pieces.
When facilitating, I build rest time into my agenda through breaks and trying to end sessions a few minutes early, but recently I've been experimenting with having people allot 8 hours, and then we finish in 6 hours.
What does it for a group? When you end sessions early you remind people that there is an abundance of time.
Organizers and activists are often rushing to meet external timelines, which keeps them in reaction mode and limits the options they can see. So many effective campaigns for change aim to stay in proactive action, aka the realm of possibility.
You can teach this key campaigning lesson through stories of past campaigns, or give people an experience of unexpected possibility through an experience of abundance.
A favorite way I create a sense abundance is by facilitating games that are connected with the topic at hand. This is different than icebreakers or energizer that just shift the energy. When the games are directly connect with the topic, fun gets attached to what we perceive as the work and people are more willing to be revel in the fun with an abundant attitude.
Let’s practice abundance during our meetings and workshops, so we can welcome it as part of the change we’re pursuing.