When you’re trying to get grounded during a busy day, give attention toward your body's natural rhythms. One rhythm that I pay attention to is contraction and release. When you contract you bring your awareness inside and build up energy to share with the world through release.
One way I contract is by taking a nap. Yesterday I was recovering from a week of facilitating followed hosting family. My awareness was tuned into the care of others, and I wanted to shift it toward myself.
So I ate a snack, set my timer for 20 minutes, curled into bed, and took a nap. The nap helped me contract my awareness before I shared any more with the world.
You can take a nap anywhere. I’ve learned it’s ok to nap in union halls, on office floors, and in my car. And even if you can’t fall asleep, you can close your eyes, turn calming music on, and give your body a rest. I prefer 20 minute naps, to get refreshed and ready to continue with the day.
Contraction is a resource. When you feel you’re body curling in, something wants to get protected. Listen to that wisdom, tend to your inner-self, and take a nap. It’ll help you come out and share your gifts with the world.