Use art to support strategy

One way you can recoup energy during a busy period is to make time for art making. Art invites you to access your sense of place - a key component for grounding. When you are grounded, your body can relax and recover.

When I’m traveling for work, I keep my travel markers and notebook nearby. On planes, in meetings, or in hotel rooms I let myself draw, which helps me ground in the material world. When I hold a marker against the paper, I see how my hand pressure changes each stroke I draw.

Your art may be paints, plants, and potluck recipes, and a common thread is that art making centers you in the present moment. When I water my plants, I watch them soak in nourishment. When I dance, my breath pulses as I feel my legs stretch. You can use art to activate people's sensory experience. 

Now finding time for art making isn’t always easy, but grounding is especially important when your busy because it helps you make clear choices. When you get grounded, your visioning is more rooted in what is truly possible. So bring in the beauty of art, and watch your strategies get sharper.