Panic can increase the volume on your self-critical voice, making it challenging to try the many self-care practices you have at your disposal. However what’s not working may be a signal to notice what your body needs.
As the pandemic spread, I told myself that I wanted to have a disciplined sleep schedule to maximize my working hours, going to sleep earlier and then wake up earlier. But instead I kept staying up late, and feeling guilty about not achieving my new goal.
To refocus away from the shame, I used some deep breathing and I realized that what I craved was connection and relaxation as I adapted to the life in a pandemic. So staying up late wasn’t bad, instead it was helping me get what I actually needed, more connection.
Your body is a wise teacher, that holds the knowledge about what you need right now. A crisis can make your thoughts spiral, and a quick body-centering reset can help make the next choice more clear. Let’s try together.
Take a deep breath. Deep into your belly.
Put a hand there to feel it expand.
Then squeeze all the air out.
Repeat 2 more times and let yourself release the stress and panic.
Now reflect on a behavior that you’ve been trying to do, but hasn’t worked out yet. Ask: What have I done instead? And how is this alternate behavior supporting me?
When you take a deep breath, it’s a quick reset for your body, that can bring your awareness back to the present moment. So use your breath as a resource, and instead of jumping to think about action steps, reflect on what is working.
Humans are more able to do what has been working then try something new. Amidst a lots of change in the world, let go of the judgement voice, and notice what you’re doing that is serving you. Focusing on what you do well is a way to care for your self.