Listen to Your Advice

Think about that advice that you invite others to hear, but that’s hard to hear from yourself. When you're running and running and running through the day, try to listen to that advice. 

I love to tell people to slow down, to take a break, and to ease up on things a little more, but then when it comes to me, I just keep going and going and going and going... But sometimes I get exhausted from moving at a pace that doesn’t support my most quality work.

Recently, after my fifth Zoom meeting of the day, I just passed out for five minutes. Face down, on the bed, I didn’t have anything else to add to the world except for my unconscious breathing. But that little five-minute nap allowed me to be better quipped to be present in my next meeting, where I could notice and name when I didn’t have an answer instead of rushing to find a temporary answer. That rest helped me to stay in the shape that I want to be in, not just the panicked shape that I know how to get into. 

So my invitation for you today could be, “go take a nap, rest, and do that self-care thing.” Rather I invite you to think about that piece of advice that you, yes you, give to everyone else. I want to invite you to try that advice out yourself, cause the care you give is often the care you need.

What you share with the outside world, bring it back to yourself, because if we want to help other people, we need to be helping ourselves as well. Otherwise, we're gonna keep giving until our well is dry. When we take our own advice, we can give from a full well, where we have abundance for ourselves and for everyone else.