In Philadelphia, Matthew directed two exceptional artists, facilitators, and friends in the creation of a powerful show called Magic Lagoon. This production dove deep into the complex waters of relationships across class, race, and genders. Dwight Dunston & Karen Orrick courageously explored the past, present, and future experiences of Black men and white women born in the US, delving into the profound racial legacies of slavery and the impact of patriarchy and sexism.
🎭 Magic Lagoon Show Details
- Monday, September 11th, 8-9pm
- Thursday, September 21st, 5-6pm
- Monday, September 25th, 8-9pm *Invited Encore
- Saturday, September 30th, 6:30-7:30pm
Location: Fidget Space, 1714 North Mascher Street, Philadelphia, PA
Tickets: Pay what you can
Audiences who witnessed the sold out show left with a mix of emotions – laughter, reflection, and a sense of lightness – all thanks to the performers' unwavering honesty. It serves as a reminder that there's always a vast ocean of life waiting to be explored.
Magic Lagoon was in Cannonball Festival and the Philadelphia Fringe Festival.