When you have a stable job doing good in the world, it can be nerve-racking to think about rocking the boat. I find this especially true for people of color in social justice work where the stakes feel higher because if you can’t be yourself in social justice work, where can you be your full self? There are strategies to thrive in social justice work, but they all mean taking a risk.
I was preparing a class on how to survive as a person of color in predominately white organizations, but during a planning session with my coach I paused as I remembered the strategies that worked for me: I followed most rules, I kept myself small, and limited my interventions to moments when I thought coworkers were open to hearing from me. I survived in those organizations, made a stable income, and still felt like I was called to do more in the world. So I took a risk.
I listened to the voice of Spirit/God that was telling me to pause, and I quit my job. Then I took two months off, found another job, and started a new journey that has brought me joy, love, and acceptance. I moved from surviving to thriving as a person passionate for justice.
Since then, I gotten to help individuals shift away good but limiting jobs into thriving lifestyles as musicians, dancers, ministers, and educators. It’s meant getting clear about goals, developing new grounding practices, and taking risks. And every time I’ve seen it work!
Risks are central to living a justice filled life. What risks are you being called to in your life? Let me know, I’m ready to be there with you.