There are nonlinear ways you can increase your productivity and effectiveness. To try them you may need to release some assumptions about how work can and cannot happen. The first step is to identify a renewing practice that is creating balance in your life.
When you are balanced, it can feel like you are floating on a cloud of good feelings. But there’s a secret to balance, balance requires a million tiny adjustments. One place I aim for balance is between my home life and work life.
I’m tending to my home by painting walls, hanging pictures, and planting a garden. I’m keeping strong boundaries and not letting work bleed into all parts of my day, which is hard since I love what I do. But if I put energy into care for my home now, I will be better able to tend to work when things get busy.
To strengthen your ability to be balanced practice the switch between indulging work life then indulging home life. One way I indulge my home life before a big work trip is by cleaning my house. When my home is clean, I return to a place where I feel able to rest and soon build on what happened during my trip.
What’s a practice you’ve been trying that helps you find balance and boost your productivity? Make a plan to amplify what works! You may create routines and rituals, but be gentle with yourself because each day brings it’s own challenges that require adjustments to stay balanced.