Song medicine

I woke up sore. My body creaky - a sign that I had fallen off my regular movement practice. Throughout the day I found myself giving energy, joy, and reflection to everyone but myself. And the more I gave, the more requests that came to me.

Soon I found myself depleted. So I turned to listen to my heart, which led me over to the piano, where I played and sang. That was the medicine I needed. 

Song is medicine that has been passed down through my family. And song is a medicine that many of our peoples have known across time. 

How does song medicine change your breathe? 

The beat moves into my breathe, opening me to the music as it replenishes me.

When do you take it?

Intentional absorption daily decreases risk for depletion, and increases my immune systems ability to reject b.s.

What medicines can I combine with it?

A quiet stillness or an inspired dance can be some of the best additives to song medicine.

As a healer, I listen to people and organizations identify their ailments, and then we use a mix of medicines aka modalities to unearth and identify a response that re-centers their vulnerability and power. One underestimated medicine is song.

What is a song that is singing in your soul? What color does it bring to mind? How does it affect your breath? 

If you don’t have a song, this is my prescription to you: find one. Ask friends to send you songs that make them think of you. Turn your music player on shuffle and listen for the song that makes you pause. 

When you find the song, let the music lead you where you need to go. Follow and feel the sounds in your body. Breathe it in, and let it move you toward your healing.